A recipe proposed by the Nigay’s team based in Feurs, in Loire.

Nigay’s team

Preparation: 30min + 12h rest
Freezing: 24h
For 1.5L of ice cream
800 g whole milk
50 g milk powder
186 g heavy cream
25 g inverted sugar
134 g sugar
63 g dehydrated glucose
10 g ice cream stabilizer
2 g liquid vanilla
180 g caramel pieces
Heat milk to 60°C.
While mixing, add milk to the other ingredients one by one (except vanilla and caramel pieces). Do not drop below 60°C.
After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, heat to 85°C for 5 min.
Pack in a 1.5L recipient and add vanilla. Put in the ice cream turbine.
Using a spatula, mix the ice cream and the caramel pieces.
Keep at -18°C for 24h before serving.